"Milieu a-didactique : image dans la relation didactique du milieu 'extérieur' à l'enseignement lui-même, c'est à dire dénué d'intentions et de présupposés didactiques." (Brousseau 1990 p.324)
• English : Adidactical milieu
“Adidactical milieu: The image, within the didactical relationship, of the milieu which is “external” to the teaching itself; that is to say, stripped of didactical intentions and presuppositions.” (Brousseau 1997 p.229)
• English : Adidactical milieu
“Adidactical milieu: The image, within the didactical relationship, of the milieu which is “external” to the teaching itself; that is to say, stripped of didactical intentions and presuppositions.” (Brousseau 1997 p.229)
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