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[Draft of the English version]

Las contribuciones son bienvenidas, ya sea como comentarios siguientes definiciones, ya sea como nuevas definiciones (ver cuadro aquí-contra).

Nicolas Balacheff, CNRS, LIG Grenoble


Glissement métadidactique

English : metadidactical slippage
"In spontaneous intellectual activity, the passage from action in the situation to study of the situation is frequent, rapid and difficult to distinguish. In teaching, the distinction arises between the phase of problem-solving by the student and that of the study of the problem where the student and the teacher cooperate. A teacher have a tendency take all mathematical activity as an object of study and of teaching, which often leads them to intervene and repalce an initial mathematical situation that would have permitted and authentic activity on the part of the students by a study of the mathematical circumstances and a lesson about that. We call the replacement of a situation (in particular a mathematical one) by one of its meta-situations a metadidactical slippage." (Brousseau 2014 p.207)

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